Gas & Electric Fireplace Brands
We sell a bunch of different products, and we have gas fireplaces and electric fireplaces. We'll list the brands below so that you can click on them and go to their respective websites, BUT.. we'd like to say this: If you do not need heat, or you're installing a fireplace for a 'look', then we BEG you to look and see the Dimplex "DUET" (or "SOLO", which is smaller). These are the next-generation of Digital Fireplace Enclosures (DFE's) and it is truly remarkable what you can do with technology. When standing in front of the new Electric Dimplex Duet, you simply cannot tell if it's gas or electric. It's that awesome. Check it! :)
DIMPLEX - these electric fireplaces (namely the DUET & SOLO from the Opti-V series, plus the Opti-Myst series) are truly unique, and boy, do they look real!
MAJESTIC - a fantastic fireplace manufacturer, great quality, excellent features, and they perform very well.
EMPIRE - the oldest fireplace manufacturer in the book, these guys have some great products and lb. for lb., a great value. And their flame quality is almost as good as Ortal or Flare!
MONTIGO - a nice fireplace manufacturer with lots of different offerings. Similar to Lennox, just without the stupid high price. :)
NAPOLEON - they have some great products out, but they are behind the 8-ball in terms of coming up with new stuff. Let's see how 2018 pans out for them - rumor is, they've got some killer stuff ready to pop!
FLARE & ORTAL - the two big names in high-end fireplaces. These guys are expensive, perfect, and compete very well against each other. Flare is going to be slightly less, and both need professional installers in order to buy them. Contact us and we can put you in touch with the licensed people that can install these, or any, fireplace for you!
- How do you want to operate your new fireplace? Do you want to use a key-valve and light it with a log-lighter? Do you want to use a remote? Do you want the remote to have a thermostat in it to turn on and off the fireplace according to a set temperature you set? Do you want to use a wall-switch? Do you want both a wall switch & a remote?
- What type of fireplace are you wanting to purchase? Natural Gas, Liquid Propane or Wood?
- What City is the fireplace going to be installed in/at?
- Do you have a professional fireplace installer? If not, contact us.
- Do you want just the crushed-glass, or are you interested in logs inside the fireplace?
- Is the primary reason for the fireplace HEAT or LOOKS?
- Is a flat-screen tv going above the fireplace?
- Is the fireplace going to be SINGLE SIDED, SEE-THROUGH, PAVILION 2-SIdes, or 3-Sided?
- For Linear Fireplaces, a black reflective porcelain panel will be mandatory in most cases - this goes IN the fireplace. Mesh safety screens are also mandatory nowadays... But do you also want a surround for around the edges of the outside of the frame of the fireplace, and if so, what material? Stainless, Black, Copper? (Depending on availability and manufacturer)
We always try to ask more questions so that your buying experience is comfortable, and we hope you like our prices AND customer service!